Best practices to get the most out of AI
Apply AI capabilities to the activities that have the greatest and most immediate impact on revenue and cost.
Use AI to increase productivity with the same number of people, rather than eliminating or adding staff.
Start your AI implementation in the back office, not the front office (IT and accounting will benefit the most).
How to get help with the AI journey
There is no escaping the AI transformation. To stay competitive, all companies must eventually adopt AI and create an AI ecosystem. Companies that do not adopt AI in some feature in the next 10 years will be left behind.
While your company may be the exception, most companies lack the in-house talent and expertise to develop the kind of ecosystem and solutions that can maximize AI capabilities.
If you need help developing the right strategy and accessing the right tools to succeed in your AI transformation journey, you should look for an innovative partner with deep industry knowledge and a comprehensive AI portfolio.
Last updated